Sustainable consolidation of peace, democracy and diversity in Europe

Russia’s war against Ukraine has rendered the question of how peace, democracy and an awareness of diversity can be sustainably anchored in Europe more topical than ever before. The region faces profound challenges; the countries of the former Soviet region face the growing influence of nationalist and populist currents. Against this backdrop, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs have asked the FGYO to intensify its exchange programmes with the countries of the Eastern Partnership. The countries of focus are Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine.

As part of its effort to improve cooperation, the FGYO has built up a network to support and interlink stakeholders and partners in the region more intensively.

Preview Tobias Bütow échange avec une participante d'une rencontre
Tobias Bütow échange avec une participante d'une rencontre
© Oliver Dietze


The trilateral exchange projects with countries of the Eastern Partnership of the EU have the following objectives: 

  • Strengthening political and social pluralism
  • Promoting discourse about European values and communicating the idea of democracy through dialogue in civil society and projects of cultural policy
  • Measures for academic, vocational and socio-political education and training 
  • Promoting dialogue and understanding
Preview Des enfants et des jeunes en action dans le cadre de l'appel à projets "Notre Europe, notre avenir !"
Des enfants et des jeunes en action dans le cadre de l'appel à projets "Notre Europe, notre avenir !"


Applications for funding for trilateral projects with the countries of the Eastern Partnership of the EU must be sent directly to the responsible unit using the completed form. The decisive factor here is whether the proposed project is a school-based, extracurricular, career-related or university-based exchange or course of further training.

Preview Deux participants à un forum interculturel
Deux participants à un forum interculturel
©, Gerolf Mosemann