We will discuss the following topics:

  • Organisational framework conditions for trilateral exchange projects,
  • Funding opportunities through the FGYO,
  • Support from regional advisors for CEE (Paweł Piątkowski) or also SEE and the Maghreb,
  • and an interesting example of a trilateral exchange project (Anna Louise Wessling, Museum Friedland, „Jazda!“).

Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to discuss initial project ideas with other participants and get in contact. 

The event is aimed at anyone who is interested in organising trilateral youth exchanges. We also expressly invite also those who are willing to report on their own projects and share their experiences.

The event will be held in English.

Please register using the linked form by Monday, 27 May 2024.

The link to the web-café and any additional information will be sent to you the evening before.

We look forward to the online meeting!