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Language development - CMS

Preview Echange avec des enfants

The best way to get to know another person is in his or her own language: With this thought in mind, language development in the interest of better...

Sports: Moving together, learning from each other - CMS

Preview Jugendliche beim Sport

Sports activities offer low-threshold opportunities to come into contact with each other. People who have agreed on shared rules can play with or...

Town and regional twinning as foundation of the FGYO - CMS

Town and regional twinning are immensely important to the FGYO and to Franco-German relations. They laid the groundwork for the encounters between the...

Education and training - CMS

Preview Formations

An intercultural exchange fosters personal growth, mutual understanding and a deepening of international friendships. These positive impacts are...

Engagement and volunteering - CMS

Preview Comités de jumelages

Many people in Germany and France are dedicated to understanding, exchange and friendship with the neighbouring country. This commitment is an...

Environmental protection and sustainability shape work of the FGYO - CMS

Preview COP21

Climate change concerns us all. Already today, children, adolescents and young adults are more affected by the impacts than previous generations...

The FGYO motivates young people to get involved and to live up to their values - CMS

Preview Jugendliche vor dem EU-Parlament

One of the most important concerns of the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is to maintain democracy as a cornerstone of our societies in Germany and...

Partners and networks: Together for Franco-German friendship - CMS

Preview Netzwerktreffen

The FGYO itself is active in many areas of youth encounters, but it would not be possible to achieve the diversity and quality of the numerous...

Trilateral Programmes: CEE, SEE and Maghreb Networks and their regional advisers - CMS

Preview maghreb-konferenz-tunis-pol-guillard-jpg4.jpg

The close cooperation between Germany and France is based on the goal of securing peace in Europe. Franco-German relations are at the heart of a...

Research projects - CMS

Preview projet-de-recherche.jpg

Based on fundamental and applied research, current projects within the FGYO encompass a large scope of subject matter.

Appreciation and development of multilinguistic skills in Franco-German youth meetings - CMS

Political participation of young people in Germany and France - CMS

Preview Des jeunes lors d'un atelier sur l'Europe

A three-year Franco-German research project investigating the social structures and living conditions of marginalized young people from migrant...

The Treaty of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle) - CMS

Preview Emmanuel Macron et Angela Merkel lors de la signature du traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle

by Corine Defrance and Ulrich Pfeil

The trilateral encounters of the FGYO - CMS

Preview Jeunes lors d'une rencontre trinationale

Many of the meetings sponsored by the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) bring participants together from Germany, France and other countries. In this...

Trilateral programmes with European countries - CMS

Preview Drapeau européen

Germany and France have a special responsibility within and for Europe. Today, these erstwhile ‘traditional enemies’ are ‘nearly best friends’...

Partnerships with Eastern European countries - CMS

Since the eastward expansion of the European Union (EU), the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) has been in a position to establish and deepen quite a...

Working with a partner: A great experience for all - CMS

Preview Teilnehmer des Programms „Arbeit beim Partner“

The ‘Work with a partner’ programme brings together career starters and clubs, cultural or social institutions in Germany and France. The FGYO...

The CNOUS / CROUS and the Studierendenwerke - CMS

Preview Des étudiantes et étudiants

The mission of student unions is to promote young people’s social, economic, cultural and health interests. They offer students in the individual...

The academic correspondants - CMS

Preview correspondants-academiques-2022.jpg

One of the major objectives of the FGYO is the development of language learning in the formal education environments of its partnering countries. To...